英日字典: wash_out
The wash_out has 7 Senses.
- wash out, rain out
- prevent or interrupt due to rain; "The storm had washed out the game"
- 雨により防ぐか、邪魔する
- wash out
- 洗い落とす
- wash free from unwanted substances, such as dirt; "Wash out your dirty shirt in the sink"
- 例えばほこりのような、不必要な物質を落とすために洗濯する
- wash out
- wear or destroy by the force of water; "The hail storms had washed out the bridges"
- 水の力で疲れさせるまたは破壊する
- wash, wash away, wash out, wash off
- remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent; "he washed the dirt from his coat"; "The nurse washed away the blood"; "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"; "he managed to wash out the stains"
- 水か他の液体と、石鹸あるいは他の洗浄剤を使用することで取り除く
- wash out
- deplete of strength or vitality; "The illness washed her out"
- 強さまたは活力を減少させる
- wash out
- drain off the color in the course of laundering; "The harsh soap washed out the delicate blouse"
- 選択中の色を失う
- wash out
- lose color in the process of being washed; "The expensive shirt washed out in the German washing machine"
- 洗浄中に色落ちする
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